Descriptor English: Abortion
Descriptor Spanish: Aborto
Descriptor aborto
Scope note: ABORTO es la interrupción del EMBARAZO por la MUERTE del FETO o EMBRIÓN, junto con sus anexos. Puede ser espontáneo (ABORTO ESPONTÁNEO, también conocido como "miscarriage" en inglés) o provocado (ABORTO INDUCIDO). El feto expulsado de menos de menos de 0,5 kg o menos de 20 semanas de gestación se considera abortado (FETO ABORTADO).
Descriptor Portuguese: Aborto
Descriptor French: Avortement
Tree number(s): SP2.770.750.141.108
Scope note: ABORTION is the interruption of PREGNANCY by the DEATH of the FETUS or EMBRYO, together with the ovular annexes. It can be spontaneous (ABORTION, SPONTANEOUS; also known as "miscarriage" in English) or induced (ABORTION, INDUCED). The expelled fetus with less than 0.5 kg or 20 weeks of gestation is considered aborted (ABORTED FETUS).
Annotation: GEN only; prefer specifics; see related terms and their specifics
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
Related: Abortifacient Agents MeSH
Abortion, Induced MeSH
Abortion, Spontaneous MeSH
DeCS ID: 50244
Unique ID: DDCS050244
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Abortion - Preferred
Concept UI FD00061422
Scope note ABORTION is the interruption of PREGNANCY by the DEATH of the FETUS or EMBRYO, together with the ovular annexes. It can be spontaneous (ABORTION, SPONTANEOUS; also known as "miscarriage" in English) or induced (ABORTION, INDUCED). The expelled fetus with less than 0.5 kg or 20 weeks of gestation is considered aborted (ABORTED FETUS).
Preferred term Abortion

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