Descriptor English: Legendary Creatures
Descriptor Spanish: Criaturas Legendarias
Descriptor seres legendarios
Scope note: Un animal o humanoides no verificada, a veces sobrenatural, a menudo cree que son reales y se describe en la MITOLOGÍA, FOLCLORE, o leyendas. Algunas criaturas legendarias, como el unicornio, se documentaron en cuentas de anticuarios académicos de la historia natural.
Descriptor Portuguese: Criaturas Lendárias
Descriptor French: Créatures légendaires
Entry term(s): Animal, Mythical
Animals, Mythical
Creature, Legendary
Creature, Mythical
Creatures, Legendary
Creatures, Mythical
Himalayan Yeti
Legendary Creature
Mythical Animal
Mythical Animals
Mythical Creature
Mythical Creatures
Yeti, Himalayan
Tree number(s): I01.076.201.450.515.500
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: An unverified animal or humanoid, sometimes supernatural, often believed to be real and described in MYTHOLOGY, FOLKLORE, or legends. Some legendary creatures, such as the unicorn, were documented in scholarly antiquarian accounts of natural history.
Allowable Qualifiers: HI history
Public MeSH Note: 2016
History Note: 2016
DeCS ID: 56153
Unique ID: D000068636
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2016/01/01
Date of Entry: 2015/07/01
Revision Date: 2015/04/09
Legendary Creatures - Preferred
Concept UI M000603320
Scope note An unverified animal or humanoid, sometimes supernatural, often believed to be real and described in MYTHOLOGY, FOLKLORE, or legends. Some legendary creatures, such as the unicorn, were documented in scholarly antiquarian accounts of natural history.
Preferred term Legendary Creatures
Entry term(s) Animal, Mythical
Animals, Mythical
Creature, Legendary
Creature, Mythical
Creatures, Legendary
Creatures, Mythical
Legendary Creature
Mythical Animal
Mythical Animals
Mythical Creature
Mythical Creatures
Werewolves - Related but not broader or narrower
Concept UI M000600597
Scope note Mythical humans believed to have the ability to shape-shift into a wolf or wolf-like creature during a full moon. This condition, also known as lycanthropy, may be historically based on persons suffering from HYPERTRICHOSIS. Clinical lycanthropy refers to the psychiatric syndrome where individuals are under the delusion that they can transform, or have transformed into an animal.
Preferred term Werewolves
Unicorns - Related but not broader or narrower
Concept UI M000603330
Scope note Mythical creatures commonly described as horses with a long single horn on their foreheads that symbolized purity. It was believed that their horns could be used for medicinal purposes and dust or liquid from the horns could protect a human from diseases and poisons.
Preferred term Unicorns
Entry term(s) Unicorn
Yeti, Himalayan - Related but not broader or narrower
Concept UI M000603332
Scope note A tall, ape-like creature that is suggested to be descended from humans and that lives in the Himalayan regions of Nepal and Tibet.
Preferred term Yeti, Himalayan
Entry term(s) Bigfoot
Himalayan Yeti
Vampires - Related but not broader or narrower
Concept UI M000600596
Scope note Mythical blood-sucking humans who rise from the grave at night to prey on the living. Historically, vampire legend dates from ancient times and may be based on persons suffering from RABIES; PELLAGRA; or especially PORPHYRIAS, who exhibit sensitivity to sunlight, abnormal, reddish-brown discoloration of the TEETH, and madness or melancholy disposition. Clinical vampirism includes persons who drink the blood of others or themselves.
Preferred term Vampires
Entry term(s) Vampire
Mermaids - Related but not broader or narrower
Concept UI M000603329
Scope note Half-human sea creatures with the head and torso of a woman and the tail of a fish. Commonly believed in FOLKLORE, these creatures have relevance to the disorder known as SIRENOMELIA in which the legs or other bones and limbs are fused together.
Preferred term Mermaids
Entry term(s) Mermaid

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