Structure des données MeSH (en anglais)
DeCS structure originates from MeSH’s and is centered on descriptors, concepts and terms, to make it more compatible with the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS). The record contains a descriptor, which covers a class of concepts closely related to each other in meaning, and each concept covers a class of synonymous terms.
Each record has a descriptor, which must have a preferred concept with its preferred term having the function of the descriptor. Furthermore, there may or may not be non-preferred concepts. Each of the non-preferred concepts has a preferred term and its relationship to the preferred concept may be broader, narrower or evenly related. Terms with the same meaning are grouped under the same concept.
The relationship between a subordinate concept and the preferred concept should not be confused with the relationship between See related descriptors, which are suggested descriptors. This last relationship is between descriptors and serves as a pointer to other descriptors that may be considered in indexing or research. The relationship between concepts within the record indicates that the same descriptor should be used for the meanings of its non-preferred concepts in indexing and searching.
This structure allows each concept to have its own separate definition. By becoming sufficiently distinct to warrant its own class of descriptors, a given term may be apparted as a descriptor and thus receive its own place in the hierarchical MeSH and DeCS trees.
Category: Conseils utiles