Descriptor en español: Progestinas
Descriptor progestágenos
Término(s) alternativo(s) agente gestágeno
agente progestacional
agente progestágeno
compuesto progestacional
efecto de la progestina
efectos de las progestinas
hormona progestacional
Nota de alcance: Compuestos que interactúan con los RECEPTORES DE PROGESTERONA en los tejidos diana y causan efectos similares a los de la PROGESTERONA. Los gestágenos, incluidos los esteroides naturales y sintéticos, actúan durante preparación para el EMBARAZO y el mantenimiento de la gestación sobre el ÚTERO y las GLÁNDULAS MAMARIAS HUMANAS.
Descriptor en inglés: Progestins
Descriptor en portugués: Progestinas
Descriptor en francés: Progestines
Término(s) alternativo(s): Agent, Gestagenic
Agent, Progestagenic
Agent, Progestational
Compound, Progestational
Effect, Gestagen
Effect, Gestagenic
Effect, Progestin
Effect, Progestogen
Effects, Gestagen
Effects, Gestagenic
Effects, Progestin
Effects, Progestogen
Gestagen Effect
Gestagen Effects
Gestagenic Agent
Gestagenic Agents
Gestagenic Effect
Gestagenic Effects
Hormone, Progestational
Progestagenic Agent
Progestagenic Agents
Progestational Agent
Progestational Agents
Progestational Compound
Progestational Compounds
Progestational Hormone
Progestational Hormones
Progestin Effect
Progestin Effects
Progestogen Effect
Progestogen Effects
Código(s) jeráquico(s): D27.505.696.399.472.858
Identificador Único RDF: https://id.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/D011372
Nota de alcance: Compounds that interact with PROGESTERONE RECEPTORS in target tissues to bring about the effects similar to those of PROGESTERONE. Primary actions of progestins, including natural and synthetic steroids, are on the UTERUS and the MAMMARY GLAND in preparation for and in maintenance of PREGNANCY.
Nota de indización: note entry term PROGESTIN EFFECT: use only for the progestin effect of a chemical substance
Calificadores permitidos: AD administration & dosage
AE adverse effects
AG agonists
AI antagonists & inhibitors
AN analysis
BI biosynthesis
BL blood
CF cerebrospinal fluid
CH chemistry
CL classification
CS chemical synthesis
DF deficiency
EC economics
GE genetics
HI history
IM immunology
IP isolation & purification
ME metabolism
PD pharmacology
PH physiology
PK pharmacokinetics
PO poisoning
RE radiation effects
SD supply & distribution
ST standards
TO toxicity
TU therapeutic use
UR urine
Nota Pública de MeSH: 2004; see PROGESTATIONAL HORMONES 1963-2003
Nota de historia: 2004 (1963)
Identificador de DeCS: 11805
ID del Descriptor: D011372
Clasificación de la NLM: WP 530
Documentos indizados en la Biblioteca Virtual de Salud (BVS): Haga clic aquí para acceder a los documentos de la BVS
Fecha de establecimiento: 01/01/1963
Fecha de entrada: 01/01/1999
Fecha de revisión: 27/05/2020
Progestins - Concepto preferido
UI del concepto M0017669
Nota de alcance Compounds that interact with PROGESTERONE RECEPTORS in target tissues to bring about the effects similar to those of PROGESTERONE. Primary actions of progestins, including natural and synthetic steroids, are on the UTERUS and the MAMMARY GLAND in preparation for and in maintenance of PREGNANCY.
Término preferido Progestins
Término(s) alternativo(s) Agent, Gestagenic
Agent, Progestagenic
Agent, Progestational
Compound, Progestational
Gestagenic Agent
Gestagenic Agents
Hormone, Progestational
Progestagenic Agent
Progestagenic Agents
Progestational Agent
Progestational Agents
Progestational Compound
Progestational Compounds
Progestational Hormone
Progestational Hormones
Progestin Effect - Relacionado pero no más amplio ni más estrecho
UI del concepto M0556171
Término preferido Progestin Effect
Término(s) alternativo(s) Effect, Gestagen
Effect, Gestagenic
Effect, Progestin
Effect, Progestogen
Effects, Gestagen
Effects, Gestagenic
Effects, Progestin
Effects, Progestogen
Gestagen Effect
Gestagen Effects
Gestagenic Effect
Gestagenic Effects
Progestin Effects
Progestogen Effect
Progestogen Effects

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