
Célébrations de la journée

Journée Mondiale du Diabète

Chaque 14 novembre, l’OPS/OMS se joint à ses partenaires et à la communauté mondiale de la santé publique pour attirer l’attention sur la nécessité de maintenir et d’améliorer l’accès aux services de santé, aux médicaments et aux fournitures pour le diagnostic, le traitement et l’autogestion du diabète. Ces actions sont essentielles pour contrôler la maladie […]

Journée Mondiale contre la Rage

(en anglais) The World Rabies Day is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO), and celebrated every September 28 to reinforce awareness about prevention, the fight against this Zoonotic Disease and their achievements. When searching the DeCS/MeSH portal for the term « Rabies » using « Any term », the descriptors related to the disease that appear are: Explore […]

Journée mondiale du sepsis

(en anglais) Sepsis is a complication that arises when the human body mounts an indiscriminate, and overt, response to an infection. Sepsis is a medical emergency. If not diagnosed and treated early, sepsis can lead to irreversible tissue damage, septic shock, multiple organ failure and potentially death. Septic shock is a severe type of sepsis […]

Semaine mondiale de l’allaitement

(en anglais) World Breastfeeding Week, celebrated every year from 1 to 7 of August,  is a global campaign coordinated by the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) to raise awareness and galvanize action on themes related to breastfeeding. WHO and UNICEF recommend: To find descriptors related to breastfeeding in DeCS, search for human milk, breastfeeding, etc., and […]

Journées mondiales contre l’hépatite (en anglais)

Hepatitis is a disease caused by viruses, responsible for high levels of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Recognizing the important public health problem that hepatitis represents, the 63rd World Health Assembly held in 2010 designated July 28 as the World Day to Combat Hepatitis and makes a worldwide call for a comprehensive response in the fight […]

Journée mondiale du donneur de sang (en anglais)

World Blood Donor Day is celebrated around the world on June 14th as a thank to all voluntary donors.The occasion is also an opportunity to raise awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products among the population and the importance of donating blood, as it is an action that can save many lives […]

Journée Mondiale de l’Hypertension (texte en anglais)

The World Hypertension Day is commemorated every May 17th, aiming to raise awareness about the risks of this disease. When typing “Hypertension” in DeCS’ search field, 24 possible terms are retrieved, which may be descriptors or alternative terms. There are 12 descriptors under the Hypertension hierarchy. There are examples of other terms with « Hypertension » in […]

Journée mondiale de la Maladie de Chagas (en anglais)

To increase awareness about Chagas Disease, a neglected tropical parasitic disease transmitted by insects, World Chagas Disease Day is observed annually on April 14. In DeCS, the concept is represented by the por la eponymy named after the Brazilian health public scientist Carlos Chagas. Some of DeCS descriptors that may be associated with Chagas Disease […]

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