Polyhiérarchie de DeCS/MeSH
The concept is the knowledge unit of a thesaurus and is limited by its scope note. DeCS/MeSH concepts are grouped in large categories that are hierarchically arranged from broader to narrower concepts. Due to this branched structure, these hierarchies can be understood as the branches of a large tree. By clicking on the « Hierarchy » tab, it is possible to navigate through branches from the most generic descriptor to the most specific one.
But each concept can be part of more than one branch. As an example, take a look at Abortion, Spontaneous:
Abortion, Spontaneous is part of [C] Diseases and [G] Phenomena and Processes categories, in locations that have the following codes:

These are codes that will be written at DeCS/MeSH search field when choosing the « Hierarchical Code » search type. Moreover, it is possible to navigate from one branch to another within the conceptual thesaurus tree in « Tree View » tab and access each record’s terminological content at the « Details » tab.
Category: Conseils utiles