Semaine mondiale de l’allaitement
(en anglais) World Breastfeeding Week, celebrated every year from 1 to 7 of August, is a global campaign coordinated by the World…
Coordination descripteur/qualificatif (en anglais)
Coordination is a fundamental principle of MeSH indexing. By proper coordination of a limited number of MeSH headings and appropriate…
Journées mondiales contre l’hépatite (en anglais)
Hepatitis is a disease caused by viruses, responsible for high levels of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Recognizing the important public…
Qualificatifs et leurs abréviations
qualificatifs en ANGLAIS qualificatifs en SPAGNOL qualificatifs en FRANÇAIS abrev.1 abrev.2 analogs & derivatives análogos & derivados analogues et dérivés…
Actualités de la catégorie B pour l’édition 2024
Some common names of living beings were replaced by their scientific latin binomial nomenclature. For example: The new term Venomous…
Journée mondiale du donneur de sang (en anglais)
World Blood Donor Day is celebrated around the world on June 14th as a thank to all voluntary donors.The occasion…
Langage inclusif (en anglais)
For DeCS 2024 edition, descriptors in Portuguese containing terms with an ableist bias were reviewed. Additionally, terms on this subject…
Journée Mondiale de l’Hypertension (texte en anglais)
The World Hypertension Day is commemorated every May 17th, aiming to raise awareness about the risks of this disease. When…
Révision de la catégorie Homéopathie (texte en anglais)
The Homeopathy category had last been revised around ten years ago. Having the 2025 edition as a deadline, the highlight…
Nomenclature du virus (texte en anglais)
Virus taxon names (species, genus, subfamily, family, and order names) have been formally approved using a defined process established by…