Descripteur en français: Pompes à Membrane
Descripteur en anglais: Diaphragm Pumps
Descripteur en espagnol: Bombas de Diafragma
Descripteur bombas de diafragma
Descripteur en portugais: Bombas de Diafragma
Code(s) d'arborescence: SP4.895.141.712.174.461.116.300
Note d'application: Pumps whose pumping activities are produced through the increase in pressure generated with the reciprocating displacement of their diaphragms. When the pump diaphragms are driven by compressed air, they are called pneumatic pumps. Pneumatic diaphragm pumps are extremely versatile, designed to receive fluids that require a high degree of hygiene (sanitary pumps), such as those used in the pharmaceutical and food areas, to sewage treatment, in the presence of solids, serving low-level liquids. viscosity to corrosive. (Adapted from
Qualificatifs autorisés: Aucun qualificatif
Identifiant DeCS: 25787
ID du Descripteur: DDCS025787
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Diaphragm Pumps - Concept préféré
Concept UI FD00058540
Note d'application Pumps whose pumping activities are produced through the increase in pressure generated with the reciprocating displacement of their diaphragms. When the pump diaphragms are driven by compressed air, they are called pneumatic pumps. Pneumatic diaphragm pumps are extremely versatile, designed to receive fluids that require a high degree of hygiene (sanitary pumps), such as those used in the pharmaceutical and food areas, to sewage treatment, in the presence of solids, serving low-level liquids. viscosity to corrosive. (Adapted from
Terme préféré Diaphragm Pumps

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