(en anglais)
Les points forts de l’édition 2024- Les nouveautés de l’édition 2024
- DeCS en chiffres
- Homeopathy category review (PDF in portuguese)
Vous trouverez ici un aperçu de la nouvelle édition. (En anglais)
Changements dans l’édition 2022 du DeCS
Overview Statistical data New terms Changed terms Deleted termsPublic Health Category Review About the review New tree structureScience and Health Terminology (SH) Alphabetical trilingual List Alphabetical list with scope notes Tree structure Health Surveillance Terminology
New Category – Science and Health (SH)
Alphabetical Trilingual List
Alphabetical List with Scope Notes
Tree structure
New Category – Health Surveillance (VS)
Alphabetical list with scope notes
Tree structure
Enlargement of the Disasters Subcategory (created in the year 2000)