
Vocabulary updates

B Category news for 2024 edition

Some common names of living beings were replaced by their scientific latin binomial nomenclature. For example: The new term Venomous Snakes was added as a child term to Snakes, under which its more specific family descriptors Elapidae and Viperidae were located. Moreover, many latin snake names were added as entry terms.

Inclusive language

For DeCS 2024 edition, descriptors in Portuguese that had a scope note or that nominally contained terms with an ableist bias were reviewed. Additionally, some terms under this theme were inserted into DeCS exclusive categories as descriptors or as alternative terms into MeSH categories. As a result of the cooperation with NAI/UNIVASF: Some obsolete terms […]

Homeopathy Category Revision

The Homeopathy category had last been revised around ten years ago. Having the 2025 edition as a deadline, the highlight of 2024 edition concerning this category revision is the rearrangement of homeopathic remedy concepts, which are now structured according to their origin, as opposed to the previously alphabetically organization. Additionally, some descriptors that in past […]

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