
DeCS Panorama

  • MeSH Data Structure

    MeSH Data Structure

    DeCS structure originates from MeSH’s and is centered on descriptors, concepts and terms, to make it more compatible with the…

  • DeCS/MeSH poli-hierarchies

    DeCS/MeSH poli-hierarchies

    The concept is the knowledge unit of a thesaurus and is limited by its scope note. DeCS/MeSH concepts are grouped…

  • World Diabetes Day

    World Diabetes Day

    Every November 14, World Diabetes Day is commemorated. This is an opportunity to raise awareness about the impact of diabetes…

  • Using qualifiers: etiology

    Using qualifiers: etiology

    The qualifier etiology is used in coordination with the descriptors of the category [C] Diseases to indicate causal agents of…

  • World Rabies Day

    World Rabies Day

    The World Rabies Day is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO), and celebrated every September 28 to reinforce awareness…

  • World Sepsis Day

    World Sepsis Day

    Sepsis is a complication that arises when the human body mounts an indiscriminate, and overt, response to an infection. Sepsis…

  • User suggestions for DeCS vocabulary

    User suggestions for DeCS vocabulary

    User suggestions for DeCS terms are often analyzed for literary warrant and other criteria, such as avoiding expressions with more…

  • Descriptor/qualifier coordination

    Descriptor/qualifier coordination

    Coordination is a fundamental principle of MeSH indexing. By proper coordination of a limited number of MeSH headings and appropriate…

  • UMLS


    Since 2003, updates to the translations of MeSH Headings into Portuguese (MSHPOR) and Spanish (MSHSPA) have been sent annually to…

  • World Breastfeeding Week

    World Breastfeeding Week

    World Breastfeeding Week, celebrated every year from 1 to 7 of August,  is a global campaign coordinated by the World Alliance for…

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