Descriptor English: Yolk Sac
Descriptor Spanish: Saco Vitelino
Descriptor saco vitelino
Scope note: Primera de las cuatro membranas extraembrionarias formadas durante la EMBRIOGÉNESIS. En los REPTILES y las AVES, procede del endodermo y el mesodermo e incorpora la YEMA DE HUEVO al TUBO DIGESTIVO para la nutrición del embrión. En los MAMÍFEROS placentarios su función nutritiva es residual; sin embargo, es el origen de la MUCOSA INTESTINAL, las CÉLULAS SANGUÍNEAS y las CÉLULAS GERMINALES. El término saco vitelino no debe confundirse con la MEMBRANA VITELINA del huevo.
Descriptor Portuguese: Saco Vitelino
Descriptor French: Vésicule vitelline
Entry term(s): Embryo Vitelline Sac
Embryo Vitelline Sacs
Sac, Yolk
Sacs, Yolk
Vitelline Sac of Embryo
Yolk Sacs
Tree number(s): A10.615.284.981
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: The first of four extra-embryonic membranes to form during EMBRYOGENESIS. In REPTILES and BIRDS, it arises from endoderm and mesoderm to incorporate the EGG YOLK into the DIGESTIVE TRACT for nourishing the embryo. In placental MAMMALS, its nutritional function is vestigial; however, it is the source of INTESTINAL MUCOSA; BLOOD CELLS; and GERM CELLS. It is sometimes called the vitelline sac, which should not be confused with the VITELLINE MEMBRANE of the egg.
Allowable Qualifiers: AB abnormalities
AH anatomy & histology
BS blood supply
CH chemistry
CY cytology
DE drug effects
DG diagnostic imaging
EM embryology
EN enzymology
GD growth & development
IM immunology
IN injuries
IR innervation
ME metabolism
MI microbiology
PA pathology
PH physiology
PP physiopathology
PS parasitology
RE radiation effects
SU surgery
TR transplantation
UL ultrastructure
VI virology
Previous Indexing: Chick Embryo (1966-1972)
Fetal Membranes (1966-1972)
Vitelline Membrane (1966-1974)
Public MeSH Note: 78; was see VITELLINE MEMBRANE 1973-77
Online Note: search VITELLINE MEMBRANE 1973-77
History Note: 78; was see VITELLINE MEMBRANE 1973-77
DeCS ID: 15413
Unique ID: D015017
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1978/01/01
Date of Entry: 1977/05/13
Revision Date: 2007/07/11
Yolk Sac - Preferred
Concept UI M0023107
Scope note The first of four extra-embryonic membranes to form during EMBRYOGENESIS. In REPTILES and BIRDS, it arises from endoderm and mesoderm to incorporate the EGG YOLK into the DIGESTIVE TRACT for nourishing the embryo. In placental MAMMALS, its nutritional function is vestigial; however, it is the source of INTESTINAL MUCOSA; BLOOD CELLS; and GERM CELLS. It is sometimes called the vitelline sac, which should not be confused with the VITELLINE MEMBRANE of the egg.
Preferred term Yolk Sac
Entry term(s) Embryo Vitelline Sac
Embryo Vitelline Sacs
Sac, Yolk
Sacs, Yolk
Vitelline Sac of Embryo
Yolk Sacs

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