Descriptor English: Mobile Source of Pollution
Descriptor Spanish: Fuente Móvil de Contaminación
Descriptor fuente móvil de contaminación
Entry term(s) fuente móvil
fuentes móviles
fuentes móviles de contaminación
fuentes móviles de contaminantes
Scope note: Cualquier máquina, aparato o dispositivo emisor de contaminantes a la atmósfera, al agua y al suelo que no tiene un lugar fijo. Se consideran fuentes móviles todos los vehículos como automóviles, barcos, aviones, etc. (Material IV - Glosario de Protección Civil, OPS, 1992)
Descriptor Portuguese: Fonte Móvel de Poluição
Descriptor French: Source Mobile
Entry term(s): Mobile Pollutant Sources
Mobile Source
Mobile Sources
Mobile Sources of Pollutants
Mobile Sources of Pollution
Moving Pollution Source
Moving Pollution Sources
Moving Source
Moving Source of Pollution
Moving Sources
Moving Sources of Pollution
Tree number(s): SP4.606.806.245
Scope note: Mobile source of pollution: Any machine, apparatus or device emitting pollutants in air, water or soil, which does not have a fixed place. Mobile sources are considered all vehicles such as cars, boats, planes etc. (Free translation from the original: Material IV - Glosario de Protección Civil, OPS, 1992)
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
Related: Non-Point Source Pollution MeSH
DeCS ID: 34881
Unique ID: DDCS034881
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Mobile Source of Pollution - Preferred
Concept UI FD00060753
Scope note Mobile source of pollution: Any machine, apparatus or device emitting pollutants in air, water or soil, which does not have a fixed place. Mobile sources are considered all vehicles such as cars, boats, planes etc. (Free translation from the original: Material IV - Glosario de Protección Civil, OPS, 1992)
Preferred term Mobile Source of Pollution
Entry term(s) Mobile Pollutant Sources
Mobile Source
Mobile Sources
Mobile Sources of Pollutants
Mobile Sources of Pollution
Moving Pollution Source
Moving Pollution Sources
Moving Source
Moving Source of Pollution
Moving Sources
Moving Sources of Pollution

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