Descriptor en español: Empleos en Salud
Descriptor profesiones sanitarias
Término(s) alternativo(s) empleos sanitarios
ocupaciones sanitarias
oficios sanitarios
Nota de alcance: Profesiones y actividades dirigidas a la prevención y curación de las enfermedades. Con respecto a los empleos de personal sanitario no médico pero que trabajan en tecnología médica, terapia física, etc. consultar EMPLEOS RELACIONADOS CON LA SALUD.
Descriptor en inglés: Health Occupations
Descriptor en portugués: Ocupações em Saúde
Descriptor en francés: Professions de santé
Término(s) alternativo(s): Health Occupation
Health Profession
Health Professions
Profession, Health
Professions, Health
Código(s) jeráquico(s): H02
Identificador Único RDF: https://id.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/D006281
Nota de alcance: Professions or other business activities directed to the cure and prevention of disease. For occupations of medical personnel who are not physicians but who are working in the fields of medical technology, physical therapy, etc., ALLIED HEALTH OCCUPATIONS is available.
Nota de indización: do not confuse with OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH; ALLIED HEALTH OCCUPATIONS is also available; for health aides consider HEALTH WORKFORCE or ALLIED HEALTH PERSONNEL or specifics
Calificadores permitidos: CL classification
EC economics
ED education
ES ethics
HI history
LJ legislation & jurisprudence
SN statistics & numerical data
ST standards
TD trends
Nota Pública de MeSH: 68; was HEALTH PROFESSIONS 1963-67
Nota Online: use HEALTH OCCUPATIONS to search HEALTH PROFESSIONS 1966-67
Nota de historia: 68; was HEALTH PROFESSIONS 1963-67
Versión alternativa: HEALTH OCCUP
Identificador de DeCS: 6432
ID del Descriptor: D006281
Documentos indizados en la Biblioteca Virtual de Salud (BVS): Haga clic aquí para acceder a los documentos de la BVS
Fecha de establecimiento: 01/01/1968
Fecha de entrada: 01/01/1999
Fecha de revisión: 13/07/2018
Health Occupations - Concepto preferido
UI del concepto M0009857
Nota de alcance Professions or other business activities directed to the cure and prevention of disease. For occupations of medical personnel who are not physicians but who are working in the fields of medical technology, physical therapy, etc., ALLIED HEALTH OCCUPATIONS is available.
Término preferido Health Occupations
Término(s) alternativo(s) Health Occupation
Health Profession
Health Professions
Profession, Health
Professions, Health

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