Descripteur en français: Stations Compactes
Descripteur en anglais: Compact Plants
Descripteur en espagnol: Plantas Compactas
Descripteur plantas compactas
Descripteur en portugais: Estações Compactas
Code(s) d'arborescence: SP4.895.141.534.623.228
Note d'application: Economical solution that enables the treatment of sewage in a small space and brings great savings in resources, in addition to environmental advantages. Ideal for reusing treated water in condominiums, commercial establishments and places not served by the public network, for functions such as flushing, washing floors, washing vehicles, watering gardens, among others. (Adapted from
Qualificatifs autorisés: Aucun qualificatif
Identifiant DeCS: 25438
ID du Descripteur: DDCS025438
Documents indexés dans la Biblioteque Virtuelle de Santé (BVS): Cliquez ici pour accéder aux documents VHL
Stations Compactes - Concept préféré
Concept UI FD00058321
Terme préféré Stations Compactes

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