Descripteur en français: Luèse
Descripteur en anglais: Syphilitic Miasm
Descripteur en espagnol: Miasma Sifilítico
Descripteur miasma sifilítica
Synonymes luetismo
miasma sifilítico
Note d'application: Condición miasmática con graves lesiones, caracterizada por la destrucción de tejidos y de la psique. Se trata del más destructivo de todos los estados miasmáticos, y como lesiones característica se encuentran las ulceras putrefactas y sangrantes. El individuo tiende a aislarse, mostrándose apático e indiferente y con tendencia a la autodestrucción y la destrucción ajena de manera absolutamente desordenada.
Descripteur en portugais: Miasma Sifilínico
Synonymes: Luetism
Code(s) d'arborescence: HP1.007.262.808.139.207.155
Note d'application: In Homeopathy, Syphilinism corresponds to one of the three chronic diseases described by Hahnemann (Psora, Sycosis and Syphilinism). Syphilinism is associated with personal and hereditary antecedents of syphilis whose harmful influence persists latent in the body, inducing a chronic reaction mode in certain individuals identified on the psychic plane by destructive ideas and attitudes (suicide, murder, etc.) and on the physical plane by destructive diseases (thromboses , ulcers, etc.) and by catarrhal and proliferative processes.
Qualificatifs autorisés: CL classification
EP epidemiology
HI history
MT methods
SN statistics & numerical data
ST standards
TD trends
VE veterinary
Voir aussi le(s) descripteur(s): Chronic Disease MeSH
Miasm DeCS
Syphilinic Symptoms DeCS
Syphilis MeSH
Identifiant DeCS: 27445
ID du Descripteur: DDCS027445
Documents indexés dans la Biblioteque Virtuelle de Santé (BVS): Cliquez ici pour accéder aux documents VHL
Syphilitic Miasm - Concept préféré
Concept UI FD00059949
Note d'application In Homeopathy, Syphilinism corresponds to one of the three chronic diseases described by Hahnemann (Psora, Sycosis and Syphilinism). Syphilinism is associated with personal and hereditary antecedents of syphilis whose harmful influence persists latent in the body, inducing a chronic reaction mode in certain individuals identified on the psychic plane by destructive ideas and attitudes (suicide, murder, etc.) and on the physical plane by destructive diseases (thromboses , ulcers, etc.) and by catarrhal and proliferative processes.
Terme préféré Syphilitic Miasm
Synonymes Luetism

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