Descripteur en français: Contamination Chimique
Descripteur en anglais: Chemical Contamination
Descripteur en espagnol: Contaminación Química
Descripteur contaminación química
Synonymes riesgos químicos
Descripteur en portugais: Contaminação Química
Code(s) d'arborescence: SP4.606.806.105
Note d'application: Contamination passed into the environment by various toxic substances and the impacts of their activity. It can have a natural origin or it can be the result of processes. It is associated with severe cases of food poisoning and may be responsible for the onset of chronic diseases. They reach the consumer directly through food, air or water, which eventually contain pesticides, hormones and pesticides. Or indirectly, through cleaning products and sanitizers that were not satisfactorily removed from the pipes at the end of the cleaning process. (Adapted from and
Qualificatifs autorisés: Aucun qualificatif
Voir aussi le(s) descripteur(s): Industrie chimique MeSH
Polluants Chimiques DeCS
Pollution Industrielle DeCS
Pollution chimique de l'eau MeSH
Identifiant DeCS: 32435
ID du Descripteur: DDCS032435
Documents indexés dans la Biblioteque Virtuelle de Santé (BVS): Cliquez ici pour accéder aux documents VHL
Contamination Chimique - Concept préféré
Concept UI FD00060381
Terme préféré Contamination Chimique

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