Descritor em português: Podophyllum
Descritor em inglês: Podophyllum
Descritor em espanhol: Podophyllum
Descritor Podophyllum
Nota de escopo: Género de hierbas venenosas americanas de la familia BERBERIDACEAE. Las raíces producen PODOFILOTOXINA y otros agentes de importancia farmacológica. Esta planta, en el pasado, se usó como colagogo y catártico. Es diferente de la MANDRAGORA europea.
Descritor em francês: Podophyllum
Termo(s) alternativo(s): Podophyllums
Código(s) hierárquico(s): B01.875.800.575.912.250.125.500
Identificador Único RDF:
Nota de escopo: A genus of poisonous American herbs, family BERBERIDACEAE. The roots yield PODOPHYLLOTOXIN and other pharmacologically important agents. The plant was formerly used as a cholagogue and cathartic. It is different from the European mandrake, MANDRAGORA.
Qualificadores permitidos: AE adverse effects
AH anatomy & histology
CH chemistry
CL classification
CY cytology
DE drug effects
EM embryology
EN enzymology
GD growth & development
GE genetics
IM immunology
ME metabolism
MI microbiology
PH physiology
PO poisoning
PS parasitology
RE radiation effects
TO toxicity
UL ultrastructure
VI virology
Nota MeSH pública: 91; was see under PLANTS, TOXIC 1986-90; was heading 1963-85; was in Cat B & D 1963-77
Nota histórica: 91(86)63; was see under PLANTS, TOXIC 1986-90; was heading 1963-85; was in Cat B & D 1963-77
Veja também os descritores: Mandragora MeSH
Identificador DeCS: 11465
ID do descritor: D011035
Documentos indexados na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS): Clique aqui para acessar os documentos da BVS
Data de estabelecimento: 01/01/1991
Data de entrada: 01/01/1999
Data de revisão: 11/07/2017
Podophyllum - Conceito preferido
Identificador do conceito M0017090
Nota de escopo A genus of poisonous American herbs, family BERBERIDACEAE. The roots yield PODOPHYLLOTOXIN and other pharmacologically important agents. The plant was formerly used as a cholagogue and cathartic. It is different from the European mandrake, MANDRAGORA.
Termo preferido Podophyllum
Termo(s) alternativo(s) Podophyllums

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