Descritor em português: Leis de Cura em Homeopatia
Descritor em inglês: Laws of Cure in Homeopathy
Descritor em espanhol: Leyes de la Curación en Homeopatía
Descritor leyes de la curación en homeopatía
Termo(s) alternativo(s) leyes de Hering
leyes de cura
leyes de la cura
reacciones terapéuticas
Nota de escopo: Observaciones clínicas en homeopatía, indicativas de que se ha establecido el proceso de cura homeopática. Sintetizado por Hering, explica el movimiento de los síntomas durante el tratamiento homeopático: desde los órganos más importantes hasta los menos significativos, desde los órganos más profundos hasta los más superficiales; desde los más nobles hasta los menos nobles, desde las áreas centrales a las periféricas, así como la recurrencia de los síntomas, en orden inverso al de su instauración, hasta su desaparición.
Descritor em francês: Lois de Guérison en Homéopathie
Termo(s) alternativo(s): Cure Laws
Hering Laws
Therapeutic Reactions
Código(s) hierárquico(s): HP1.007.072.067
Nota de escopo: Clinical observations in Homeopathy indicating that the homeopathic cure process has been established. Synthesized by Henring, they explain the movement of symptoms during the homeopathic treatment: from more important organs to less significant ones; from deeper to more superficial organs; from upwards to downwards; from the centre to more peripheral areas; and the recurrence of symptoms in an inverted order from their first appearance to their subsequent disapperance.
Qualificadores permitidos: CL classification
ED education
EP epidemiology
HI history
MT methods
SN statistics & numerical data
ST standards
TD trends
VE veterinary
Veja também os descritores: Clinical Evolution DeCS
Defensive and Curative Mechanisms DeCS
Exoneration DeCS
Return of Old Symptoms DeCS
Identificador DeCS: 26816
ID do descritor: DDCS026816
Documentos indexados na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS): Clique aqui para acessar os documentos da BVS
Laws of Cure in Homeopathy - Conceito preferido
Identificador do conceito FD00059425
Nota de escopo Clinical observations in Homeopathy indicating that the homeopathic cure process has been established. Synthesized by Henring, they explain the movement of symptoms during the homeopathic treatment: from more important organs to less significant ones; from deeper to more superficial organs; from upwards to downwards; from the centre to more peripheral areas; and the recurrence of symptoms in an inverted order from their first appearance to their subsequent disapperance.
Termo preferido Laws of Cure in Homeopathy
Termo(s) alternativo(s) Cure Laws
Hering Laws
Therapeutic Reactions

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