Descritor em português: Redes de Esgoto
Descritor em inglês: Sewerage
Descritor em espanhol: Alcantarillado
Descritor alcantarillado
Termo(s) alternativo(s) alcantarilla
alcantarillado sanitario
alcantarillado separado
red de alcantarillado
red de saneamiento
redes de alcantarillado
redes de saneamiento
sistema de alcantarillado
sistema de alcantarillado sanitario
sistema de saneamiento
sistemas de alcantarillado
sistemas de alcantarillado sanitario
sistemas de alcantarillas
Nota de escopo: 1. Red de alcantarillado/Saneamiento: Se trata de las actividades, infraestructuras e instalaciones operativas de recolección, transporte, tratamiento y disposición final adecuados de las aguas residuales sanitarias, desde las conexiones prediales hasta su lanzamiento final en el medio ambiente. (Traducción libre del original: Política Nacional de Saneamento Básico, Lei 11.445 / 2007) 2. Sistemas de alcantarillado sanitario: Conjunto de estructuras hidráulicas de recolección, transporte y tratamiento de aguas residuales sanitarias. (Traducción libre del original: Brasil. Agência Nacional de Águas, 2014; Brasil. CONAMA, 2005)
Descritor em francês: Égout
Termo(s) alternativo(s): Gutter
Gutter System
Gutter Systems
Pipe Networks
Sanitary Sewerage
Sanitary Sewerage System
Sanitary Sewerage Systems
Sanitation Network
Sanitation Networks
Sanitation System
Separated Sewerage
Sewage System
Sewer System
Sewer Systems
Sewerage Network
Sewerage Networks
Sewerage System
Sewerage Systems
Código(s) hierárquico(s): SP4.606.806.945.750.207.799.815
Nota de escopo: 1. Sanitation System: Constituted by the activities, infrastructures and operational facilities for adequate collection, transportation, treatment and final disposal of sanitary sewage, from the building connections to its final release in the environment. (Free translation from the original: Política Nacional de Saneamento Básico, Lei 11.445 / 2007) 2. Sanitary sewage system: Set of hydraulic structures for sanitary sewage collection, transportation and treatment. (Free translation from the original: Brasil. Agência Nacional de Águas, 2014; Brasil. CONAMA, 2005)
Qualificadores permitidos: Sem qualificador
Veja também os descritores: Collector Channels DeCS
Drop Manholes DeCS
Inspection Manholes DeCS
Intercepting Channels DeCS
Pipelines DeCS
Sanitary Engineering MeSH
Sanitation MeSH
Sewerage Air Injection DeCS
Sewerage Enterprises DeCS
Sewerage Hydraulics DeCS
Waste Disposal, Fluid MeSH
Identificador DeCS: 27718
ID do descritor: DDCS027718
Documentos indexados na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS): Clique aqui para acessar os documentos da BVS
Sewerage - Conceito preferido
Identificador do conceito FD00060200
Nota de escopo 1. Sanitation System: Constituted by the activities, infrastructures and operational facilities for adequate collection, transportation, treatment and final disposal of sanitary sewage, from the building connections to its final release in the environment. (Free translation from the original: Política Nacional de Saneamento Básico, Lei 11.445 / 2007) 2. Sanitary sewage system: Set of hydraulic structures for sanitary sewage collection, transportation and treatment. (Free translation from the original: Brasil. Agência Nacional de Águas, 2014; Brasil. CONAMA, 2005)
Termo preferido Sewerage
Termo(s) alternativo(s) Gutter
Gutter System
Gutter Systems
Pipe Networks
Sanitary Sewerage
Sanitary Sewerage System
Sanitary Sewerage Systems
Sanitation Network
Sanitation Networks
Sanitation System
Separated Sewerage
Sewage System
Sewer System
Sewer Systems
Sewerage Network
Sewerage Networks
Sewerage System
Sewerage Systems

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