Descritor em português: Retratação de Publicação
Descritor em inglês: Retraction of Publication
Descritor em espanhol: Retractación de Publicación
Descritor retractación de publicación
Nota de escopo: Declaración emitida por uno o más autores de un artículo o de un libro, retirando o desautorizando la confirmación de su participación en la realización de investigaciones o en la comunicación de resultados de su estudio. En la indexación, la desautorización se envía al editor de la publicación en la que apareció el artículo y debe publicarse bajo la rúbrica "retracción" o en forma de carta. Este tipo de publicación designa la declaración del autor de la retracción: debe diferenciarse de PUBLICACIÓN RETRACTADA, que hace referencia a la publicación retractada.
Descritor em francês: Rétractation de publication
Código(s) hierárquico(s): V01.775
Identificador Único RDF:
Nota de escopo: Work consisting of a statement issued by one or more authors of an article or a book, withdrawing or disavowing acknowledgment of their participation in performing research or writing the results of their study. In indexing, the retraction is sent to the editor of the publication in which the article appeared and is published under the rubric "retraction" or in the form of a letter. This publication type designates the author's statement of retraction: it should be differentiated from RETRACTED PUBLICATION which labels the retracted publication.
Nota de indexação: This heading is used as a Publication Type. Do not confuse with the Publication Type RETRACTED PUBLICATION which labels the article being retracted. Do not confuse with the Publication Type PUBLISHED ERRATUM. Publication retraction as a subject is indexed under the main heading RETRACTION OF PUBLICATION AS TOPIC. CATALOGER: Do not use
Qualificadores permitidos: Sem qualificador
Nota histórica: 2008(1991)
Identificador DeCS: 29648
ID do descritor: D016440
Documentos indexados na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS): Clique aqui para acessar os documentos da BVS
Data de estabelecimento: 01/01/1996
Data de entrada: 23/06/1995
Data de revisão: 05/06/2015
Retraction of Publication - Conceito preferido
Identificador do conceito M0025130
Nota de escopo Work consisting of a statement issued by one or more authors of an article or a book, withdrawing or disavowing acknowledgment of their participation in performing research or writing the results of their study. In indexing, the retraction is sent to the editor of the publication in which the article appeared and is published under the rubric "retraction" or in the form of a letter. This publication type designates the author's statement of retraction: it should be differentiated from RETRACTED PUBLICATION which labels the retracted publication.
Termo preferido Retraction of Publication

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