Descritor em português: Comitê Executivo da OPAS
Descritor em inglês: PAHO Executive Committee
Descritor em espanhol: Comité Ejecutivo de la OPS
Descritor Comité Ejecutivo de la OPS
Termo(s) alternativo(s) Comité Ejecutivo de la PAHO
Nota de escopo: El Comité ejecutivo está constituido por nueve Estados Miembros de la Organización, elegidos por la Conferencia o el Consejo para cubrir periodos de tres años. El Comité, que se reúne dos veces al año, actúa como grupo de trabajo de la Conferencia o el Consejo. El Comité dispone de dos subcomités: el Subcomité de Planificación y Programación y el Subcomité de Mujer, Salud y Desarrollo. (
Descritor em francês: Comité Exécutif de l'Organisation Panaméricaine de la Santé
Código(s) hierárquico(s): SH1.
Nota de escopo: The Executive Committee is composed of nine Member States of the Organization, elected by the Conference or the Council for overlapping periods of three years. The Committee, which meets twice a year, acts as a working party of the Conference or Council. The Committee has two standing subcommittees: the Subcommittee on Planning and Programming and the Subcommittee on Women, Health, and Development. (
Qualificadores permitidos: Sem qualificador
Identificador DeCS: 36384
ID do descritor: DDCS036384
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PAHO Executive Committee - Conceito preferido
Identificador do conceito FD00061189
Nota de escopo The Executive Committee is composed of nine Member States of the Organization, elected by the Conference or the Council for overlapping periods of three years. The Committee, which meets twice a year, acts as a working party of the Conference or Council. The Committee has two standing subcommittees: the Subcommittee on Planning and Programming and the Subcommittee on Women, Health, and Development. (
Termo preferido PAHO Executive Committee

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