Descritor em português: Laboratório Regional de eSaúde
Descritor em inglês: Laboratory on eHealth for the Americas
Descritor em espanhol: Laboratorio Regional de eSalud
Descritor Laboratorio Regional de eSalud
Termo(s) alternativo(s) Laboratorio de eSalud
Nota de escopo: La Organización Panamericana de la Salud/Organización Mundial de la Salud (OPS/OMS), con el apoyo de la Cooperación Española, dispone del primer Laboratorio Regional de eSalud, en respuesta al compromiso contraído con los Estados Miembros de disponer de un espacio que impulse la investigación, promoción y debate de los objetivos y estrategias, sobre la aplicación de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) a la salud pública. El Laboratorio Regional de eSalud es un portal que pone a disposición las experiencias y los avances en eSalud de los países de la Región. También ofrece una colección de lecturas recomendadas, herramientas y aportes de expertos como soporte para el desarrollo de Estrategias Nacionales de eSalud de los países de la Región. Este espacio de colaboración responde además a uno de los indicadores de la Estrategia y Plan de Acción sobre eSalud para las Américas de la OPS/OMS, aprobada por los Estados Miembros en el 2011, la cual busca contribuir con el desarrollo sostenible de los sistemas de salud de las Américas, y mejorar el acceso y la calidad de estos sistemas a través de la utilización de las TIC. (Fuente: eSALUD OPS. Disponible en:
Descritor em francês: Laboratoire de e-Santé pour les Amériques
Termo(s) alternativo(s): Laboratory on eHealth
Código(s) hierárquico(s): SH1.
Nota de escopo: The Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), with support from the Spanish Cooperation, has created the first Laboratory on eHealth for the Americas, in response to the commitment made with Member States to offer a space that encourages research, promotion and debate of the objectives and strategies on the application of information and communication technologies (ICT) to public health. The Laboratory on eHealth for the Americas is a portal that offers experiences and eHealth developments in countries in the Americas. It also offers a collection of recommended readings, tools and expert inputs to support the development of national eHealth strategies. This collaborative workspace also responds to one of the indicators of the PAHO/WHO Strategy and Plan of Action on eHealth for the Americas, adopted by Member States in 2011, which seeks to contribute to the sustainable development of health systems in the Americas, and to improve access and quality of these health systems through the use of ICT. (From: PAHO eHEALTH. Available in:
Qualificadores permitidos: Sem qualificador
Nota histórica: 2019
Identificador DeCS: 57941
ID do descritor: DDCS057941
Documentos indexados na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS): Clique aqui para acessar os documentos da BVS
Laboratory on eHealth for the Americas - Conceito preferido
Identificador do conceito FD00062211
Nota de escopo The Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), with support from the Spanish Cooperation, has created the first Laboratory on eHealth for the Americas, in response to the commitment made with Member States to offer a space that encourages research, promotion and debate of the objectives and strategies on the application of information and communication technologies (ICT) to public health. The Laboratory on eHealth for the Americas is a portal that offers experiences and eHealth developments in countries in the Americas. It also offers a collection of recommended readings, tools and expert inputs to support the development of national eHealth strategies. This collaborative workspace also responds to one of the indicators of the PAHO/WHO Strategy and Plan of Action on eHealth for the Americas, adopted by Member States in 2011, which seeks to contribute to the sustainable development of health systems in the Americas, and to improve access and quality of these health systems through the use of ICT. (From: PAHO eHEALTH. Available in:
Termo preferido Laboratory on eHealth for the Americas
Termo(s) alternativo(s) Laboratory on eHealth

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