DeCS tips
Indexing tips
A good indexer: A good indexer shall not: From:
MeSH Data Structure
DeCS structure originates from MeSH’s and is centered on descriptors, concepts and terms, to make it more compatible with the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS). The record contains a descriptor, which covers a class of concepts closely related to each other in meaning, and each concept covers a class of synonymous terms. Each record has […]
DeCS/MeSH poli-hierarchies
The concept is the knowledge unit of a thesaurus and is limited by its scope note. DeCS/MeSH concepts are grouped in large categories that are hierarchically arranged from broader to narrower concepts. Due to this branched structure, these hierarchies can be understood as the branches of a large tree. By clicking on the “Hierarchy” tab, […]
Using qualifiers: etiology
The qualifier etiology is used in coordination with the descriptors of the category [C] Diseases to indicate causal agents of diseases, including factors that contribute to or cause diseases. When navigating the hierarchy under the qualifier etiology, note that there are more specific qualifiers that should be used when appropriate. Generally, when the etiology qualifier […]
World Rabies Day
The World Rabies Day is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO), and celebrated every September 28 to reinforce awareness about prevention, the fight against this Zoonotic Disease and their achievements. When searching the DeCS/MeSH portal for the term “Rabies” using “Any term”, the descriptors related to the disease that appear are: Explore DeCS and […]
Descriptor/qualifier coordination
Coordination is a fundamental principle of MeSH indexing. By proper coordination of a limited number of MeSH headings and appropriate subheadings, the indexer can describe the entire content of any lengthy and complex article. In order to adequately index the content of an article, it is usually not enough to use a single MeSH term. […]
Qualifiers and their abbreviations
qualifiers in ENGLISH qualifiers in SPANISH qualifiers in PORTUGUESE abbrev.1 abbrev.2 analogs & derivatives análogos & derivados análogos & derivados AA ANALOGS abnormalities anomalías anormalidades AB ABNORM administration & dosage administración & dosificación administração & dosagem AD ADMIN adverse effects efectos adversos efeitos adversos AE ADV EFF agonists agonistas agonistas AG AGON anatomy & histology […]
Related descriptors
Relations among DeCS concepts can be of several types. One of them is “See related” terms, a type of relationship that is established by MeSH and incorporated by DeCS. This type of relationship equals more than 13,000 linear interactions between DeCS concepts. Related descriptors allow you to find other indexing terms that are within the […]
Understanding DeCS
In this video (in Portuguese), you can see how and where to obtain some of the information that DeCS provides.