Descriptor English: Oxytocics
Descriptor Spanish: Oxitócicos
Descriptor oxitócicos
Entry term(s) agente oxitócico
efecto oxitócico
estimulante uterino
estimulantes uterinos
fármaco oxitócico
Scope note: Fármacos que estimulan la contracción del miometrio. Se usan para inducir el TRABAJO DEL PARTO a término, para evitar o controlar las hemorragias después del parto o del aborto y para evaluar el estado fetal en embarazos de alto riesgo. También se pueden usar solos o con otros fármacos para inducir el aborto (FÁRMACOS ABORTIVOS). Entre los oxitócicos que se usan clínicamente se encuentran la hormona neurohipofisaria OXITOCINA y ciertas prostaglandinas y alcaloides del cornezuelo del centeno. (AMA Drug Evaluations, 1994, p1157)
Descriptor Portuguese: Ocitócicos
Descriptor French: Ocytociques
Entry term(s): Agent, Oxytocic
Agents, Oxytocic
Drug, Oxytocic
Drugs, Oxytocic
Effect, Oxytocic
Effects, Oxytocic
Oxytocic Agent
Oxytocic Agents
Oxytocic Drug
Oxytocic Drugs
Oxytocic Effect
Oxytocic Effects
Stimulant, Uterine
Stimulants, Uterine
Uterine Stimulant
Uterine Stimulants
Tree number(s): D27.505.696.875.737
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Drugs that stimulate contraction of the myometrium. They are used to induce LABOR, OBSTETRIC at term, to prevent or control postpartum or postabortion hemorrhage, and to assess fetal status in high risk pregnancies. They may also be used alone or with other drugs to induce abortions (ABORTIFACIENTS). Oxytocics used clinically include the neurohypophyseal hormone OXYTOCIN and certain prostaglandins and ergot alkaloids. (From AMA Drug Evaluations, 1994, p1157)
Annotation: use no qualifiers for oxytocics when used to induce labor; note entry term OXYTOCIC EFFECT: use only for the oxytocic effect of a chemical substance
Allowable Qualifiers: AD administration & dosage
AE adverse effects
AG agonists
AI antagonists & inhibitors
AN analysis
BL blood
CF cerebrospinal fluid
CH chemistry
CL classification
CS chemical synthesis
EC economics
HI history
IM immunology
IP isolation & purification
ME metabolism
PD pharmacology
PK pharmacokinetics
PO poisoning
RE radiation effects
SD supply & distribution
ST standards
TO toxicity
TU therapeutic use
UR urine
DeCS ID: 10305
Unique ID: D010120
NLM Classification: QV 173
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1966/01/01
Date of Entry: 1999/01/01
Revision Date: 2020/05/27
Oxytocics - Preferred
Concept UI M0015702
Scope note Drugs that stimulate contraction of the myometrium. They are used to induce LABOR, OBSTETRIC at term, to prevent or control postpartum or postabortion hemorrhage, and to assess fetal status in high risk pregnancies. They may also be used alone or with other drugs to induce abortions (ABORTIFACIENTS). Oxytocics used clinically include the neurohypophyseal hormone OXYTOCIN and certain prostaglandins and ergot alkaloids. (From AMA Drug Evaluations, 1994, p1157)
Preferred term Oxytocics
Entry term(s) Agent, Oxytocic
Agents, Oxytocic
Drug, Oxytocic
Drugs, Oxytocic
Oxytocic Agent
Oxytocic Agents
Oxytocic Drug
Oxytocic Drugs
Stimulant, Uterine
Stimulants, Uterine
Uterine Stimulant
Uterine Stimulants
Oxytocic Effect - Related but not broader or narrower
Concept UI M0556280
Preferred term Oxytocic Effect
Entry term(s) Effect, Oxytocic
Effects, Oxytocic
Oxytocic Effects

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