Descriptor English: Pendular Migration
Descriptor Spanish: Migración Pendular
Descriptor migración pendular
Entry term(s) desplazamiento de ida y vuelta
Scope note: Este término se refiere a la movilidad espacial con fines laborales que conlleva un desplazamiento desde la residencia al lugar de trabajo.
Descriptor Portuguese: Migração Pendular
Descriptor French: Migration Pendulaire
Tree number(s): SP3.522.561.050.473.577
Scope note: It refers to the spatial mobility in which, for work reasons, there is a displacement from the residence to the workplace.
Allowable Qualifiers: SN statistics & numerical data
TD trends
Related: Transportation MeSH
DeCS ID: 16104
Unique ID: DDCS016104
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Pendular Migration - Preferred
Concept UI FD00057771
Scope note It refers to the spatial mobility in which, for work reasons, there is a displacement from the residence to the workplace.
Preferred term Pendular Migration

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