Qualifier English: poisoning
Qualifier Spanish: envenenamiento
Descriptor envenenamiento
Scope note: Usado con medicamentos, compuestos químicos y materiales industriales para envenenamiento humano o animal, agudo o crónico, sea este accidental, ocupacional, suicida, por error de medicación o por exposición ambiental.
Qualifier Portuguese: intoxicação
Qualifier French: intoxication
Entry term(s): poisonous effects
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Used with drugs, chemicals, and industrial materials for human or animal poisoning, acute or chronic, whether the poisoning is accidental, occupational, suicidal, by medication error, or by environmental exposure.
Annotation: subheading only; for clinical & veterinary only; for human & animal experiments use /toxicity; see also /adverse effects & /toxicity
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
Online Note: search policy: Online Manual; use: main heading/PO or PO (SH) or SUBS APPLY PO
History Note: 66; used with Category D 1966-67; D & J 1968 forward
Entry Version: POIS
Abbreviation: PO
DeCS ID: 22025
Unique ID: Q000506
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1966/01/01
Date of Entry: 1973/12/27
Revision Date: 2017/07/05
poisoning - Preferred
Concept UI M0030708
Scope note Used with drugs, chemicals, and industrial materials for human or animal poisoning, acute or chronic, whether the poisoning is accidental, occupational, suicidal, by medication error, or by environmental exposure.
Preferred term poisoning
poisonous effects - Narrower
Concept UI M0030709
Preferred term poisonous effects

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