Qualifier English: enzymology
Qualifier Spanish: enzimología
Descriptor enzimología
Scope note: Usado con organismos, excepto vertebrados, con órganos y tejidos, y también con enfermedades, para enzimas durante el curso de la enfermedad. Excluye pruebas enzimáticas de diagnóstico, para las cuales se usa /diagnóstico.
Qualifier Portuguese: enzimologia
Qualifier French: enzymologie
Entry term(s): enzyme activity
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Used with organisms, except vertebrates, and with organs and tissues. It is also used with diseases for enzymes during the course of the disease, but excludes diagnostic enzyme tests, for which "diagnosis" is used.
Annotation: subhead only; for enzymatic metabolism, kinetics, analysis & inhibition; not for CLINICAL ENZYME TESTS ( = /diagnosis); see MeSH scope note in Introduction; indexing policy: Manual 19.8.30; DF: /enzymol or /EN
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
Online Note: search policy: Online Manual; use: main heading/EN or EN (SH) or SUBS APPLY EN
History Note: 66; used with Category A & B 1966-67; A-C & F 1968-74; A, B1, B3-6, C & F3 1975-89; A2-16, B1, B3-6, C & F3 1990 forward
Entry Version: ENZYMOL
Abbreviation: EN
DeCS ID: 22026
Unique ID: Q000201
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1966/01/01
Date of Entry: 1973/12/27
Revision Date: 2007/07/10
enzymology - Preferred
Concept UI M0030398
Scope note Used with organisms, except vertebrates, and with organs and tissues. It is also used with diseases for enzymes during the course of the disease, but excludes diagnostic enzyme tests, for which "diagnosis" is used.
Preferred term enzymology
Entry term(s) enzymes
enzyme activity - Narrower
Concept UI M0030399
Preferred term enzyme activity

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