Descriptor English: Groundwater Collection
Descriptor Spanish: Captación de Aguas Subterráneas
Descriptor captación de aguas subterráneas
Scope note: La captación de las aguas subterráneas constituye una parte fundamental de los sistemas de abastecimiento de agua necesarios para cualquier tipo de utilización, por lo que es fundamental adaptar el método al origen del agua en la naturaleza, utilizando métodos geofísicos, levantamientos geológicos, estructurales e hidrogeológicos, entre otros. La elección entre un pozo y un agujero está también influenciada por las características geo hidrológicas de la formación de la captación, así como de las dificultades que la ejecución pueda implicar al nivel de la estructura y de los caudales que se desea obtener. (Traducción libre del original: Água subterrânea: reserva estratégica ou emergencial. Ricardo Hirata; José Luiz Gomes Zoby; Fernando Roberto de Oliveira. Disponible en:
Descriptor Portuguese: Captação de Águas Subterrâneas
Descriptor French: Collecte des Eaux Souterraines
Tree number(s): SP4.895.141.089.372.151
Scope note: Groundwater abstraction is a key part of the water supply systems required for any type of use. It is therefore essential to adapt the method to the origin of water in nature using geophysical methods, geological, structural and hydrogeological surveys, between others. The choice between a well and a bore is also influenced by the geo hydrological characteristics of the formation of the catchment, as well as the difficulties that the execution may imply at the level of the structure and the flows that are desired. (Free translation from the original: Água subterrânea: reserva estratégica ou emergencial. Ricardo Hirata; José Luiz Gomes Zoby; Fernando Roberto de Oliveira. Available in: :
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
Related: Groundwater MeSH
DeCS ID: 25018
Unique ID: DDCS025018
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Groundwater Collection - Preferred
Concept UI FD00058019
Scope note Groundwater abstraction is a key part of the water supply systems required for any type of use. It is therefore essential to adapt the method to the origin of water in nature using geophysical methods, geological, structural and hydrogeological surveys, between others. The choice between a well and a bore is also influenced by the geo hydrological characteristics of the formation of the catchment, as well as the difficulties that the execution may imply at the level of the structure and the flows that are desired. (Free translation from the original: Água subterrânea: reserva estratégica ou emergencial. Ricardo Hirata; José Luiz Gomes Zoby; Fernando Roberto de Oliveira. Available in: :
Preferred term Groundwater Collection

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