Descriptor English: Cervix Mucus
Descriptor Spanish: Moco del Cuello Uterino
Descriptor moco del cuello uterino
Entry term(s) moco cervical
moco del cuello del útero
Scope note: Secreción ligeramente alcalina de las glándulas endocervicales del cuello uterino. La consistencia y cantidad dependen de los cambios hormonales fisiológicos que se producen en el ciclo menstrual. Contiene la glucoproteína mucina, aminoácidos, azúcares, enzimas y electrolitos, con un contenido de agua de hasta 90 por ciento. El moco genera una protección útil contra las bacterias y espermatozoides que penetran en el útero. (Dictionary of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1988).
Descriptor Portuguese: Muco do Colo Uterino
Descriptor French: Glaire cervicale
Entry term(s): Cervical Mucus
Fern Test
Fern Tests
Mucus, Cervical
Mucus, Cervix
Palm Leaf Reaction
Palm-Leaf Reaction
Palm-Leaf Reactions
Reaction, Palm-Leaf
Reactions, Palm-Leaf
Test, Fern
Tests, Fern
Tree number(s): A12.200.503.339
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: A slightly alkaline secretion of the endocervical glands. The consistency and amount are dependent on the physiological hormone changes in the menstrual cycle. It contains the glycoprotein mucin, amino acids, sugar, enzymes, and electrolytes, with a water content up to 90%. The mucus is a useful protection against the ascent of bacteria and sperm into the uterus. (From Dictionary of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1988)
Allowable Qualifiers: CH chemistry
CY cytology
DE drug effects
DG diagnostic imaging
EN enzymology
IM immunology
ME metabolism
MI microbiology
PH physiology
PS parasitology
RE radiation effects
VI virology
DeCS ID: 2622
Unique ID: D002582
NLM Classification: WP 470
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1966/01/01
Date of Entry: 1999/01/01
Revision Date: 1997/06/20
Cervix Mucus - Preferred
Concept UI M0003940
Scope note A slightly alkaline secretion of the endocervical glands. The consistency and amount are dependent on the physiological hormone changes in the menstrual cycle. It contains the glycoprotein mucin, amino acids, sugar, enzymes, and electrolytes, with a water content up to 90%. The mucus is a useful protection against the ascent of bacteria and sperm into the uterus. (From Dictionary of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1988)
Preferred term Cervix Mucus
Entry term(s) Cervical Mucus
Mucus, Cervical
Mucus, Cervix
Fern Test - Related but not broader or narrower
Concept UI M0003941
Preferred term Fern Test
Entry term(s) Fern Tests
Test, Fern
Tests, Fern
Palm-Leaf Reaction - Related but not broader or narrower
Concept UI M0003942
Preferred term Palm-Leaf Reaction
Entry term(s) Palm Leaf Reaction
Palm-Leaf Reactions
Reaction, Palm-Leaf
Reactions, Palm-Leaf

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