Descriptor English: Subthalamus
Descriptor Spanish: Subtálamo
Descriptor subtálamo
Entry term(s) núcleo del asa lenticular
núcleo del campo H
Scope note: Zona de transición en la parte anterior del diencéfalo interpuesta entre el tálamo, hipotálamo y el tegmento del mesencéfalo. Los componentes del subtálamo incluyen el NÚCLEO SUBTALÁMICO, la zona incierta, los núcleos del campo H y los núcleos del asa lenticular. Los últimos contienen al NÚCLEO ENTOPEDUNCULAR.
Descriptor Portuguese: Subtálamo
Descriptor French: Subthalamus
Entry term(s): Ansa Lenticularis Nucleus
Campi Foreli, Nucleus
Campi Forelus, Nucleus
Fasciculus Thalamicus
Fasciculus, Lenticular
Fasciculus, Thalamic
Field H Nucleus
Field H1 of Forel
Field H1, Forel's
Field H2, Forel's
Forel Field H1
Forel Field H2
Forel's Field H1
Forel's Field H2
Foreli, Nucleus Campi
Forels Field H1
Forels Field H2
Forelus, Nucleus Campi
Lenticular Fasciculus
Nucleus Campi Foreli
Nucleus Campi Forelus
Nucleus of Ansa Lenticularis
Nucleus of Field H
Thalamic Fasciculus
Thalamicus, Fasciculus
Tree number(s): A08.
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: A transition zone in the anterior part of the diencephalon interposed between the thalamus, hypothalamus, and tegmentum of the mesencephalon. Components of the subthalamus include the SUBTHALAMIC NUCLEUS, zona incerta, nucleus of field H, and the nucleus of ansa lenticularis. The latter contains the ENTOPEDUNCULAR NUCLEUS.
Allowable Qualifiers: AB abnormalities
AH anatomy & histology
BS blood supply
CH chemistry
CY cytology
DE drug effects
DG diagnostic imaging
EM embryology
EN enzymology
GD growth & development
IM immunology
IN injuries
ME metabolism
MI microbiology
PA pathology
PH physiology
PP physiopathology
PS parasitology
RE radiation effects
SU surgery
TR transplantation
UL ultrastructure
VI virology
Previous Indexing: Diencephalon (1967-1981)
Thalamus (1981-1999)
Public MeSH Note: 2000
History Note: 2000
DeCS ID: 34055
Unique ID: D020530
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2000/01/01
Date of Entry: 1999/11/03
Revision Date: 2018/06/30
Subthalamus - Preferred
Concept UI M0328577
Scope note A transition zone in the anterior part of the diencephalon interposed between the thalamus, hypothalamus, and tegmentum of the mesencephalon. Components of the subthalamus include the SUBTHALAMIC NUCLEUS, zona incerta, nucleus of field H, and the nucleus of ansa lenticularis. The latter contains the ENTOPEDUNCULAR NUCLEUS.
Preferred term Subthalamus
Thalamic Fasciculus - Narrower
Concept UI M0591184
Preferred term Thalamic Fasciculus
Entry term(s) Fasciculus Thalamicus
Fasciculus, Thalamic
Field H1 of Forel
Field H1, Forel's
Forel Field H1
Forel's Field H1
Forels Field H1
Thalamicus, Fasciculus
Nucleus of Field H - Narrower
Concept UI M0337472
Preferred term Nucleus of Field H
Entry term(s) Campi Foreli, Nucleus
Campi Forelus, Nucleus
Field H Nucleus
Foreli, Nucleus Campi
Forelus, Nucleus Campi
Nucleus Campi Foreli
Nucleus Campi Forelus
Lenticular Fasciculus - Narrower
Concept UI M0591183
Preferred term Lenticular Fasciculus
Entry term(s) Fasciculus, Lenticular
Field H2, Forel's
Forel Field H2
Forel's Field H2
Forels Field H2
Nucleus of Ansa Lenticularis - Narrower
Concept UI M0337471
Preferred term Nucleus of Ansa Lenticularis
Entry term(s) Ansa Lenticularis Nucleus

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