Descriptor English: Search and Rescue
Descriptor Spanish: Búsqueda y Rescate
Descriptor búsqueda y rescate
Scope note: Proceso de localizar y rescatar a las víctimas de DESASTRES y de brindar los PRIMEROS AUXILIOS y la asistencia médica básica que pueda ser precisa. (Traducción libre del original: Material II - IDNDR, 1992)
Descriptor Portuguese: Busca e Resgate
Descriptor French: Recherche et Sauvetage
Tree number(s): SP8.570.747.231.830.804.175
Scope note: The process of locating and recovering disaster victims and the application of first aid and basic medical assistance as may be required. (Material II - IDNDR, 1992)
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
DeCS ID: 34665
Unique ID: DDCS034665
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Search and Rescue - Preferred
Concept UI FD00060559
Scope note The process of locating and recovering disaster victims and the application of first aid and basic medical assistance as may be required. (Material II - IDNDR, 1992)
Preferred term Search and Rescue

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