Descriptor English: RNA Recognition Motif
Descriptor Spanish: Motivo de Reconocimiento de ARN
Descriptor motivo de reconocimiento de ARN
Entry term(s) dominio ribonucleoproteico
motivo RRM
Scope note: Motivo de unión al ARN de aproximadamente 80 aminoácidos que consta de cuatro láminas beta antiparalelas superficiales y dos hélices alfa, con una configuración beta-alfa-beta-beta-alfa-beta. Una de las láminas beta de la superficie interactúa con dos o tres bases de ARN específicas. Las interacciones entre otras secuencias y el ARN, así como dentro del motivo de reconocimiento de ARN, aumenta la afinidad y especificidad de la interacción proteína-ARN.
Descriptor Portuguese: Motivo de Reconhecimento de RNA
Descriptor French: Motif de reconnaissance de l'ARN
Entry term(s): RNA Recognition Motifs
RRM Motif
RRM Motifs
Ribonucleoprotein Domain
Ribonucleoprotein Domains
Tree number(s): G02.111.570.820.709.275.500.869.500
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: An approximately 80 amino acid RNA binding motif that consists of four anti-parallel surface beta sheets and two alpha helices arranged in a beta-alpha-beta-beta-alpha-beta configuration. One of the surface beta sheets interacts with two or three specific RNA bases. Interactions between additional sequences and the RNA, as well as within the RNA recognition motif increase the affinity and specificity of the protein-RNA interaction.
Allowable Qualifiers: DE drug effects
GE genetics
IM immunology
PH physiology
RE radiation effects
Previous Indexing: Amino Acid Sequence (1989-2016)
RNA-Binding Proteins (1991-2016)
Public MeSH Note: 2017
History Note: 2017
Related: RNA Recognition Motif Proteins MeSH
DeCS ID: 56733
Unique ID: D000071377
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2017/01/01
Date of Entry: 2016/07/08
Revision Date: 2017/05/12
RNA Recognition Motif - Preferred
Concept UI M000613902
Scope note An approximately 80 amino acid RNA binding motif that consists of four anti-parallel surface beta sheets and two alpha helices arranged in a beta-alpha-beta-beta-alpha-beta configuration. One of the surface beta sheets interacts with two or three specific RNA bases. Interactions between additional sequences and the RNA, as well as within the RNA recognition motif increase the affinity and specificity of the protein-RNA interaction.
Preferred term RNA Recognition Motif
Entry term(s) RNA Recognition Motifs
RRM Motif
RRM Motifs
Ribonucleoprotein Domain
Ribonucleoprotein Domains

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