Descriptor English: Airway
Descriptor Spanish: Espacio Aéreo
Descriptor espacio aéreo
Scope note: Ruta o trayectoria que siguen regularmente las aeronaves, con una anchura, una altitud y una posición geográfica específicas conforme a un convenio internacional, que sirve para organizar y controlar el tráfico de aeronaves entre aeropuertos. (Adaptado del Diccionario Houaiss)
Descriptor Portuguese: Aerovia
Descriptor French: Voie de transport aérien
Tree number(s): SH1.050.313.562.601.750.201.154
Scope note: Route, path regularly followed by aircraft, with specific width, altitude and geographical position in accordance with an international convention, which serves to organize and control aircraft traffic between airports. (Adapted from Houaiss Dictionary)
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
DeCS ID: 59616
Unique ID: DDCS059616
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date of Entry: 2022/01/30
Airway - Preferred
Concept UI FD00065990
Scope note Route, path regularly followed by aircraft, with specific width, altitude and geographical position in accordance with an international convention, which serves to organize and control aircraft traffic between airports. (Adapted from Houaiss Dictionary)
Preferred term Airway

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