Descriptor English: Nasal Mucosa
Descriptor Spanish: Mucosa Nasal
Descriptor mucosa nasal
Entry term(s) epitelio nasal
Scope note: Recubrimiento mucoso de la CAVIDAD NASAL, incluido el recubrimiento del vestíbulo nasal y la MUCOSA OLFATORIA. La mucosa nasal consta de células ciliadas, CÉLULAS CALICIFORMES, células en borde de cepillo, pequeñas células granulosas, células basales (CÉLULAS MADRE) y glándulas que contienen células tanto mucosas como serosas.
Descriptor Portuguese: Mucosa Nasal
Descriptor French: Muqueuse nasale
Entry term(s): Epithelium, Nasal
Membrane, Schneiderian
Mucosa, Nasal
Nasal Epithelium
Schneiderian Membrane
Tree number(s): A04.531.520
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: The mucous lining of the NASAL CAVITY, including lining of the nostril (vestibule) and the OLFACTORY MUCOSA. Nasal mucosa consists of ciliated cells, GOBLET CELLS, brush cells, small granule cells, basal cells (STEM CELLS) and glands containing both mucous and serous cells.
Annotation: inflammation = RHINITIS
Allowable Qualifiers: AB abnormalities
AH anatomy & histology
BS blood supply
CH chemistry
CY cytology
DE drug effects
DG diagnostic imaging
EM embryology
EN enzymology
GD growth & development
IM immunology
IN injuries
IR innervation
ME metabolism
MI microbiology
PA pathology
PH physiology
PP physiopathology
PS parasitology
RE radiation effects
SU surgery
TR transplantation
UL ultrastructure
VI virology
DeCS ID: 9492
Unique ID: D009297
NLM Classification: WV 301
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1966/01/01
Date of Entry: 1999/01/01
Revision Date: 2018/02/06
Nasal Mucosa - Preferred
Concept UI M0014486
Scope note The mucous lining of the NASAL CAVITY, including lining of the nostril (vestibule) and the OLFACTORY MUCOSA. Nasal mucosa consists of ciliated cells, GOBLET CELLS, brush cells, small granule cells, basal cells (STEM CELLS) and glands containing both mucous and serous cells.
Preferred term Nasal Mucosa
Entry term(s) Mucosa, Nasal
Nasal Epithelium - Narrower
Concept UI M0333066
Preferred term Nasal Epithelium
Entry term(s) Epithelium, Nasal
Schneiderian Membrane - Related but not broader or narrower
Concept UI M000640228
Scope note The ciliated mucoperostium lining of the MAXILLARY SINUS.
Preferred term Schneiderian Membrane
Entry term(s) Membrane, Schneiderian

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