Descritor em português: Filosofia Homeopática
Descritor em inglês: Homeopathic Philosophy
Descritor em espanhol: Filosofía Homeopática
Descritor filosofía homeopática
Nota de escopo: Diversos pensamientos acerca de los elementos que muestran la homeopatía como método terapéutico.
Descritor em francês: Philosophie de l'Homéopathie
Código(s) hierárquico(s): HP1.007
Nota de escopo: Theoretical-practical understanding of the aspects that characterize homeopathy as a therapeutic method, based on the principle of similarity, on the assessment of vitality, on the use of diluted and dynamized medicines, under a semiology (analysis of signs and symptoms) that seeks to identify the most notable symptoms , distinctive and peculiar to each patient. It is used from the set of conceptual knowledge, arising from the observation of clinical practice that guide the conduct and procedures of the homeopathic clinician. Applied homeopathic philosophy should be used as a guide to evaluate the management and interpretation of the action of medicines and the trajectory of the vital attitude towards the promotion and restoration of health and, when possible, cure.
Qualificadores permitidos: CL classification
ED enseignement et éducation
HI histoire
MT méthodes
ST normes
TD tendances
VE médecine vétérinaire
Veja também os descritores: Vitalisme MeSH
Identificador DeCS: 26570
ID do descritor: DDCS026570
Documentos indexados na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS): Clique aqui para acessar os documentos da BVS
Philosophie de l'Homéopathie - Conceito preferido
Identificador do conceito FD00059209
Termo preferido Philosophie de l'Homéopathie

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