Descriptor English: Viral Plaque Assay
Descriptor Spanish: Ensayo de Placa Viral
Descriptor análisis de placas virales
Scope note: Método para medir la infectividad y multiplicación vírica en células cultivadas. Durante la incubación, las células infectadas liberan partículas víricas que desarrollan áreas claras lisadas (placas). Con algunos virus las células se mueren por efecto citopático; con otros, las células infectadas no se mueren pero pueden ser detectadas por su capacidad hemadsortiva. A veces las células de la placa contienen antígenos virales que pueden medirse mediante inmunofluorescencia.
Descriptor Portuguese: Ensaio de Placa Viral
Descriptor French: Méthode des plages virales
Entry term(s): Assay, Bacteriophage Plaque
Assay, Viral Plaque
Assays, Bacteriophage Plaque
Assays, Viral Plaque
Bacteriophage Plaque Assay
Bacteriophage Plaque Assays
Plaque Assay, Bacteriophage
Plaque Assay, Viral
Plaque Assays, Bacteriophage
Plaque Assays, Viral
Viral Plaque Assays
Tree number(s): E01.370.225.875.970.790
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Method for measuring viral infectivity and multiplication in CULTURED CELLS. Clear lysed areas or plaques develop as the VIRAL PARTICLES are released from the infected cells during incubation. With some VIRUSES, the cells are killed by a cytopathic effect; with others, the infected cells are not killed but can be detected by their hemadsorptive ability. Sometimes the plaque cells contain VIRAL ANTIGENS which can be measured by IMMUNOFLUORESCENCE.
Annotation: for viruses; coord IM or NIM with specific virus /growth (IM); do not confuse with HEMOLYTIC PLAQUE TECHNIQUE in immunol
Allowable Qualifiers: CL classification
EC economics
ES ethics
HI history
IS instrumentation
MT methods
SN statistics & numerical data
ST standards
TD trends
VE veterinary
Previous Indexing: Virus Cultivation (1966-1972)
Public MeSH Note: 2012; see PLAQUE ASSAY 1973-2011
History Note: 2012 (1973)
DeCS ID: 11382
Unique ID: D010948
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1973/01/01
Date of Entry: 1999/01/01
Revision Date: 2011/06/24
Viral Plaque Assay - Preferred
Concept UI M0016975
Scope note Method for measuring viral infectivity and multiplication in CULTURED CELLS. Clear lysed areas or plaques develop as the VIRAL PARTICLES are released from the infected cells during incubation. With some VIRUSES, the cells are killed by a cytopathic effect; with others, the infected cells are not killed but can be detected by their hemadsorptive ability. Sometimes the plaque cells contain VIRAL ANTIGENS which can be measured by IMMUNOFLUORESCENCE.
Preferred term Viral Plaque Assay
Entry term(s) Assay, Viral Plaque
Assays, Viral Plaque
Plaque Assay, Viral
Plaque Assays, Viral
Viral Plaque Assays
Bacteriophage Plaque Assay - Narrower
Concept UI M0549178
Preferred term Bacteriophage Plaque Assay
Entry term(s) Assay, Bacteriophage Plaque
Assays, Bacteriophage Plaque
Bacteriophage Plaque Assays
Plaque Assay, Bacteriophage
Plaque Assays, Bacteriophage

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