Descriptor English: Radioactive Fallout
Descriptor Spanish: Ceniza Radiactiva
Descriptor ceniza radiactiva
Entry term(s) ceniza radioactiva
lluvia radiactiva
lluvia radioactiva
Scope note: Material que cae o llueve hasta la tierra a gran distancia del lugar donde se ha producido una explosión nuclear superficial o subterránea. (Traducción libre del original: McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Chemical and Technical Terms, 4th ed)
Descriptor Portuguese: Cinza Radioativa
Descriptor French: Retombées radioactives
Entry term(s): Fallout, Radioactive
Fallouts, Radioactive
Radioactive Fallouts
Tree number(s): D20.693.555
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: The material that descends to the earth or water well beyond the site of a surface or subsurface nuclear explosion. (McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Chemical and Technical Terms, 4th ed)
Annotation: IM; specify geog if pertinent
Allowable Qualifiers: AE adverse effects
AN analysis
EC economics
HI history
LJ legislation & jurisprudence
PC prevention & control
SN statistics & numerical data
DeCS ID: 12286
Unique ID: D011847
NLM Classification: WN 615
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1966/01/01
Date of Entry: 1999/01/01
Revision Date: 2008/07/08
Radioactive Fallout - Preferred
Concept UI M0018401
Scope note The material that descends to the earth or water well beyond the site of a surface or subsurface nuclear explosion. (McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Chemical and Technical Terms, 4th ed)
Preferred term Radioactive Fallout
Entry term(s) Fallout, Radioactive
Fallouts, Radioactive
Radioactive Fallouts

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