Descriptor English: Reflex, Acoustic
Descriptor Spanish: Reflejo Acústico
Descriptor reflejo acústico
Scope note: Contracción intraauricular del tensor del tímpano y del estribo en respuesta al sonido.
Descriptor Portuguese: Reflexo Acústico
Descriptor French: Réflexe stapédien
Entry term(s): Acoustic Reflex
Tree number(s): E01.370.376.550.650.670
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Intra-aural contraction of tensor tympani and stapedius in response to sound.
Allowable Qualifiers: DE drug effects
ES ethics
GE genetics
IM immunology
PH physiology
RE radiation effects
Previous Indexing: Acoustic Stimulation (1972-1979)
Reflex (1966-1979)
Sound (1966-1971)
Public MeSH Note: 80
History Note: 80
DeCS ID: 12442
Unique ID: D012022
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1980/01/01
Date of Entry: 1978/12/14
Revision Date: 2016/06/22
Reflex, Acoustic - Preferred
Concept UI M0018692
Scope note Intra-aural contraction of tensor tympani and stapedius in response to sound.
Preferred term Reflex, Acoustic
Entry term(s) Acoustic Reflex

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