Descriptor English: Russia (Pre-1917)
Descriptor Spanish: Rusia (pre-1917)
Descriptor Rusia (antes de 1917)
Scope note: Monarquía situada en el norte de Asia bordeando el océano Ártico que se extendía desde Europa (la parte al oeste de los Urales) hasta el Pacífico Norte. Su capital fue San Petersburgo entre 1712 y 1918. Moscú fue su capital antes que San Petersburgo y después.
Descriptor Portuguese: Rússia (pré-1917)
Descriptor French: Russie (avant 1917)
Entry term(s): Russia (Pre 1917)
Tree number(s): Z01.586.800
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: A monarchy located in north Asia bordering the Arctic Ocean, extending from Europe (the portion west of the Urals) to the North Pacific Ocean. St Petersburg was the capital 1712–1918. Moscow was the capital before St. Petersburg and following it.
Annotation: MOSCOW is also available
Allowable Qualifiers: EH ethnology
EP epidemiology
Online Note: use RUSSIA (PRE-1917) to search RUSSIA 1966; search RUSSIAN FEDERATION under RUSSIA & SIBERIA 1966
History Note: 67; RUSSIAN FEDERATION was heading 1966; RUSSIA was heading 1963-66
DeCS ID: 12798
Unique ID: D012425
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1967/01/01
Date of Entry: 1999/01/01
Revision Date: 2016/12/22
Russia (Pre-1917) - Preferred
Concept UI M0019310
Scope note A monarchy located in north Asia bordering the Arctic Ocean, extending from Europe (the portion west of the Urals) to the North Pacific Ocean. St Petersburg was the capital 1712–1918. Moscow was the capital before St. Petersburg and following it.
Preferred term Russia (Pre-1917)
Entry term(s) Russia (Pre 1917)

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