Descriptor English: Speech, Esophageal
Descriptor Spanish: Voz Esofágica
Descriptor habla esofágica
Entry term(s) voz esofágica
Scope note: Método de habla empleado después de una laringectomía. El sonido se produce por vibración de la columna de aire en el esófago contra al esfínter cricofaríngeo contraído (Dorland, 27th ed)
Descriptor Portuguese: Voz Esofágica
Descriptor French: Voix oesophagienne
Entry term(s): Esophageal Speech
Esophageal Speechs
Speechs, Esophageal
Tree number(s): E02.760.169.063.500.727.541.677
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: A method of speech used after laryngectomy, with sound produced by vibration of the column of air in the esophagus against the contracting cricopharyngeal sphincter. (Dorland, 27th ed)
Annotation: post-laryngectomy speech
Allowable Qualifiers: IS instrumentation
MT methods
PX psychology
Public MeSH Note: 91; was see under SPEECH, ALARYNGEAL 1979-90; was see under VOICE PRODUCTION, ALARYNGEAL 1968-79
Online Note: use SPEECH, ALARYNGEAL to search SPEECH, ESOPHAGEAL 1966-74 (as Prov 1966-67)
History Note: 91(75)(65-67); was see under SPEECH, ALARYNGEAL 1979-90; was see under VOICE PRODUCTION, ALARYNGEAL 1965-79 (Prov 1965-67)
DeCS ID: 13449
Unique ID: D013072
NLM Classification: WV 540
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1991/01/01
Date of Entry: 1999/01/01
Revision Date: 2016/05/31
Speech, Esophageal - Preferred
Concept UI M0020259
Scope note A method of speech used after laryngectomy, with sound produced by vibration of the column of air in the esophagus against the contracting cricopharyngeal sphincter. (Dorland, 27th ed)
Preferred term Speech, Esophageal
Entry term(s) Esophageal Speech
Esophageal Speechs
Speechs, Esophageal

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