Descriptor English: Speech Reception Threshold Test
Descriptor Spanish: Prueba del Umbral de Recepción del Habla
Descriptor prueba del umbral de recepción del habla
Entry term(s) test del umbral de recepción del habla
Scope note: Prueba para determinar el menor nivel de intensidad del sonido en el que se repite correctamente el 50 por ciento o más de las palabras espondaicas de la prueba (palabras de dos sílabas de igual énfasis).
Descriptor Portuguese: Teste do Limiar de Recepção da Fala
Descriptor French: Test de perception de la parole
Entry term(s): Test, Speech Reception Threshold
Tree number(s): E01.370.382.375.060.060.760
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: A test to determine the lowest sound intensity level at which fifty percent or more of the spondaic test words (words of two syllables having equal stress) are repeated correctly.
Allowable Qualifiers: AE adverse effects
CL classification
EC economics
ES ethics
HI history
IS instrumentation
MO mortality
MT methods
NU nursing
PX psychology
SN statistics & numerical data
ST standards
TD trends
VE veterinary
Previous Indexing: Audiometry (1966-1978)
Auditory Threshold (1968-1978)
Hearing (1966-1967)
Speech (1966-1978)
Public MeSH Note: 91; was see under SPEECH DISCRIMINATION TESTS 1979-90
History Note: 91(79); was see under SPEECH DISCRIMINATION TESTS 1979-90
Entry Version: SRT TEST
DeCS ID: 13454
Unique ID: D013069
NLM Classification: WV 272
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1991/01/01
Date of Entry: 1978/05/22
Revision Date: 1997/06/20
Speech Reception Threshold Test - Preferred
Concept UI M0020256
Scope note A test to determine the lowest sound intensity level at which fifty percent or more of the spondaic test words (words of two syllables having equal stress) are repeated correctly.
Preferred term Speech Reception Threshold Test
Entry term(s) Test, Speech Reception Threshold

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