Descriptor English: Therapeutic Community
Descriptor Spanish: Comunidad Terapéutica
Descriptor comunidad terapéutica
Scope note: Técnica de psicoterapia centrada en las influencias socioambientales e interpersonales para la resocialización y rehabilitación del paciente. El contexto generalmente es una unidad o sala hospitalaria donde los profesionales y el personal no profesional interactúan con los pacientes.
Descriptor Portuguese: Comunidade Terapêutica
Descriptor French: Communauté thérapeutique
Entry term(s): Communities, Therapeutic
Community, Therapeutic
Therapeutic Communities
Tree number(s): F04.754.864.392.701
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Psychotherapeutic technique which emphasizes socioenvironmental and interpersonal influences in the resocialization and rehabilitation of the patient. The setting is usually a hospital unit or ward in which professional and nonprofessional staff interact with the patients.
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
Previous Indexing: Psychotherapy (1966)
Psychotherapy, Group (1966)
Public MeSH Note: 69
History Note: 69(67)
DeCS ID: 14186
Unique ID: D013808
NLM Classification: WM 440
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1969/01/01
Date of Entry: 1999/01/01
Revision Date: 1990/02/16
Therapeutic Community - Preferred
Concept UI M0021293
Scope note Psychotherapeutic technique which emphasizes socioenvironmental and interpersonal influences in the resocialization and rehabilitation of the patient. The setting is usually a hospital unit or ward in which professional and nonprofessional staff interact with the patients.
Preferred term Therapeutic Community
Entry term(s) Communities, Therapeutic
Community, Therapeutic
Therapeutic Communities

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