Descriptor English: Civil Registration
Descriptor Spanish: Registro Civil
Descriptor registro civil
Entry term(s) extracto oficial como tema
Scope note: Proporciona información sobre los hechos vitales que se producen en un país, incluida toda la información sobre nacimientos, defunciones y matrimonios registrados e información sobre separaciones judiciales y divorcios comunicados por los juzgados de familia y los tribunales civiles. (Traducción libre del original: Instituto Brasileiro de Geografía e Estadística)
Descriptor Portuguese: Registro Civil
Descriptor French: Registre D'état Civil
Entry term(s): Official Abstract as Subject
Tree number(s): SP3.311.300.627.821
Scope note: Information about the vital facts that occur in a country, including all the information about births, deaths, marriages informed by registry, and information about judicial separations and divorces reported by family courts, forums or the Civil Court. (Free translation from the original: Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística)
Allowable Qualifiers: CL classification
SN statistics & numerical data
ST standards
Related: Registries MeSH
DeCS ID: 16132
Unique ID: DDCS016132
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Civil Registration - Preferred
Concept UI FD00057775
Scope note Information about the vital facts that occur in a country, including all the information about births, deaths, marriages informed by registry, and information about judicial separations and divorces reported by family courts, forums or the Civil Court. (Free translation from the original: Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística)
Preferred term Civil Registration
Entry term(s) Official Abstract as Subject

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