Descriptor English: Iodine Deficiency
Descriptor Spanish: Deficiencia de Yodo
Descriptor deficiencia de yodo
Scope note: Deficiencia de yodo en la dieta que causa el bocio endémico. Las principales fuentes de este mineral en la dieta son la sal yodada y el pescado. En las mujeres embarazadas, esta deficiencia es grave porque causa cretinismo en los niños, un síndrome caracterizado por enfermedad mental, diplejía espástica, sordomudez, disartria e hipotiroidismo.
Descriptor Portuguese: Deficiência de Iodo
Descriptor French: Carence en Iode
Entry term(s): Iodine Deficiency, Primary
Tree number(s): SP6.990.625.344.378.176.533
Scope note: Dietary iodine deficiency that causes endemic goiter. The main source of this mineral in the diet are fish and iodized salt. In pregnant women, this deficiency is serious because it causes cretinism in infants, a syndrome characterized by mental illness, spastic diplegia, deaf-mutism, disatria and hypothyroidism.
Allowable Qualifiers: BL blood
CO complications
DI diagnosis
DT drug therapy
ET etiology
ME metabolism
PC prevention & control
TH therapy
Related: Goiter, Endemic MeSH
DeCS ID: 16596
Unique ID: DDCS016596
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Iodine Deficiency - Preferred
Concept UI FD00057827
Scope note Dietary iodine deficiency that causes endemic goiter. The main source of this mineral in the diet are fish and iodized salt. In pregnant women, this deficiency is serious because it causes cretinism in infants, a syndrome characterized by mental illness, spastic diplegia, deaf-mutism, disatria and hypothyroidism.
Preferred term Iodine Deficiency
Entry term(s) Iodine Deficiency, Primary

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