Descriptor English: Structure of Services
Descriptor Spanish: Estructura de los Servicios
Descriptor estructura de los servicios
Scope note: Conjunto de equipamiento y servicios existentes en el sistema sanitario, incluido el grado de cualificación de los recursos humanos, el espacio físico, los recursos financieros y el equipamiento disponible en cuanto a número y distribución.
Descriptor Portuguese: Estrutura dos Serviços
Descriptor French: Structure de Services
Entry term(s): Services Structure
Tree number(s): SP1.101.150.300
Scope note: Set of equipment and services that comprise the health care system, including the degree of qualification of human resources, physical space, financial resources and equipment available in number and distribution.
Allowable Qualifiers: CL classification
EC economics
Related: Organization and Administration MeSH
DeCS ID: 16748
Unique ID: DDCS016748
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Structure of Services - Preferred
Concept UI FD00057846
Scope note Set of equipment and services that comprise the health care system, including the degree of qualification of human resources, physical space, financial resources and equipment available in number and distribution.
Preferred term Structure of Services
Entry term(s) Services Structure

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