Descriptor English: Bite Force
Descriptor Spanish: Fuerza de la Mordida
Descriptor fuerza de mordida
Entry term(s) fuerza masticatoria
fuerza oclusiva
Scope note: Fuerza aplicada por los músculos masticadores en la oclusión dental.
Descriptor Portuguese: Força de Mordida
Descriptor French: Force occlusale
Entry term(s): Bite Forces
Force, Bite
Force, Masticatory
Force, Occlusal
Forces, Bite
Forces, Masticatory
Forces, Occlusal
Masticatory Force
Masticatory Forces
Occlusal Force
Occlusal Forces
Tree number(s): E06.276.125
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: The force applied by the masticatory muscles in dental occlusion.
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
Previous Indexing: Dental Occlusion (1966-1983)
Dental Stress Analysis (1968-1983)
Mastication (1966-1983)
Masticatory Muscles (1966-1983)
Public MeSH Note: 91; was see under DENTAL OCCLUSION 1984-90
History Note: 91(84); was see under DENTAL OCCLUSION 1984-90
DeCS ID: 1757
Unique ID: D001732
NLM Classification: WU 440
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1991/01/01
Date of Entry: 1983/06/15
Revision Date: 1990/04/13
Bite Force - Preferred
Concept UI M0002613
Scope note The force applied by the masticatory muscles in dental occlusion.
Preferred term Bite Force
Entry term(s) Bite Forces
Force, Bite
Force, Masticatory
Force, Occlusal
Forces, Bite
Forces, Masticatory
Forces, Occlusal
Masticatory Force
Masticatory Forces
Occlusal Force
Occlusal Forces

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