Descriptor English: Damage Assessment
Descriptor Spanish: Evaluación de Daños
Descriptor evaluación de daños
Scope note: Análisis detallado y determinación de los daños concretos causados por un desastre. (Traducción libre del original: Material V-Gunn, S.W.A. Multilingual Dictionary of Disaster Medicine and International Relief, 1990)
Descriptor Portuguese: Avaliação de Danos
Descriptor French: Évaluation des Dommages
Tree number(s): SP8.665.076
Scope note: Detailed evaluation and determination of the actual damages caused by a disaster (Material V - Gunn, S.W.A. Multilingual Dictionary of Disaster Medicine and International Relief, 1990)
Allowable Qualifiers: MT methods
Related: Health Evaluation DeCS
DeCS ID: 22748
Unique ID: DDCS022748
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Damage Assessment - Preferred
Concept UI FD00057889
Scope note Detailed evaluation and determination of the actual damages caused by a disaster (Material V - Gunn, S.W.A. Multilingual Dictionary of Disaster Medicine and International Relief, 1990)
Preferred term Damage Assessment

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