Descriptor English: Disaster Recovery
Descriptor Spanish: Recuperación en Desastres
Descriptor recuperación posterior al desastre
Entry term(s) reinstalación posdesastre
reinstalación posterior a un desastre
Scope note: Todas las actividades posteriores a un desastre realizadas con la finalidad de restaurar las relaciones sociales y económicas de una población.
Descriptor Portuguese: Recuperação em Desastres
Descriptor French: Reprise d'Activité Après Catastrophe
Entry term(s): Disaster Relocation
Tree number(s): SP8.570.996
Scope note: All the activities subsequent to disasters to reconstruct the social and economical relations of a population.
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
DeCS ID: 22749
Unique ID: DDCS022749
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Disaster Recovery - Preferred
Concept UI FD00057890
Scope note All the activities subsequent to disasters to reconstruct the social and economical relations of a population.
Preferred term Disaster Recovery
Entry term(s) Disaster Relocation

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