Descriptor English: Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer
Descriptor Spanish: Transferencia Intrafalopiana del Gameto
Descriptor transferencia intratubárica de gametos
Scope note: Técnica que comenzó a utilizarse a mediados de la década de los 80 (siglo XX) para la concepción asistida en mujeres infértiles con trompas de Falopio normales. El protocolo consta de la estimulación hormonal de los ovarios, seguida de la aspiración folicular por medio de laparoscopia del ovocito, y luego la transferencia del esperma y de los ovocitos por cateterismo al interior de las trompas de Falopio.
Descriptor Portuguese: Transferência Intrafalopiana de Gameta
Descriptor French: Transfert intratubaire de gamètes
Entry term(s): Intrafallopian Transfer, Gamete
Transfer, Gamete Intrafallopian
Tree number(s): E02.875.800.875
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: A technique that came into use in the mid-1980's for assisted conception in infertile women with normal fallopian tubes. The protocol consists of hormonal stimulation of the ovaries, followed by laparoscopic follicular aspiration of oocytes, and then the transfer of sperm and oocytes by catheterization into the fallopian tubes.
Allowable Qualifiers: AE adverse effects
CL classification
EC economics
ES ethics
HI history
IS instrumentation
MO mortality
MT methods
NU nursing
PX psychology
SN statistics & numerical data
ST standards
TD trends
VE veterinary
Previous Indexing: Embryo Transfer (1985-1988)
Fallopian Tubes (1985-1988)
Fertilization in Vitro (1985-1988)
Insemination, Artificial (1985-1988)
Public MeSH Note: 89
History Note: 89
DeCS ID: 23638
Unique ID: D015181
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1989/01/01
Date of Entry: 1988/04/18
Revision Date: 2002/07/03
Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer - Preferred
Concept UI M0023335
Scope note A technique that came into use in the mid-1980's for assisted conception in infertile women with normal fallopian tubes. The protocol consists of hormonal stimulation of the ovaries, followed by laparoscopic follicular aspiration of oocytes, and then the transfer of sperm and oocytes by catheterization into the fallopian tubes.
Preferred term Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer
Entry term(s) Intrafallopian Transfer, Gamete
Transfer, Gamete Intrafallopian

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